MythTV Translation Status
% of strings translated per component
Branch: master at commit 7b8478c192
Generated: Wed Feb 19 11:44:47 2025
Contact me: Nick Morrott
Want to help? Click here for details on how to contribute to MythTV translations
Stats too low? Make sure your completed translations are not marked as "unfinished" in QT Linguist/.ts file
Detailed analysis by language:
Component |
% Completed |
Completed |
mytharchive |
0% |
0 of 390 |
mythbrowser |
74% |
73 of 98 |
mythfrontend |
9% |
625 of 6830 |
mythgame |
0% |
0 of 171 |
mythmusic |
0% |
0 of 923 |
mythnetvision |
17% |
31 of 180 |
mythnews |
64% |
56 of 87 |
mythweather |
46% |
130 of 282 |
mythzoneminder |
67% |
105 of 155 |
Component |
% Completed |
Completed |
mytharchive |
0% |
0 of 390 |
mythbrowser |
0% |
0 of 98 |
mythfrontend |
8% |
604 of 6830 |
mythgame |
0% |
0 of 171 |
mythmusic |
0% |
5 of 923 |
mythnetvision |
0% |
0 of 180 |
mythnews |
0% |
0 of 87 |
mythweather |
47% |
134 of 282 |
mythzoneminder |
0% |
0 of 155 |
Component |
% Completed |
Completed |
mytharchive |
33% |
129 of 390 |
mythbrowser |
52% |
51 of 98 |
mythfrontend |
72% |
4978 of 6830 |
mythgame |
0% |
0 of 171 |
mythmusic |
38% |
356 of 923 |
mythnetvision |
0% |
0 of 180 |
mythnews |
36% |
32 of 87 |
mythweather |
77% |
219 of 282 |
mythzoneminder |
0% |
0 of 155 |
Component |
% Completed |
Completed |
mytharchive |
68% |
267 of 390 |
mythbrowser |
70% |
69 of 98 |
mythfrontend |
67% |
4619 of 6830 |
mythgame |
64% |
110 of 171 |
mythmusic |
29% |
268 of 923 |
mythnetvision |
57% |
103 of 180 |
mythnews |
64% |
56 of 87 |
mythweather |
86% |
244 of 282 |
mythzoneminder |
54% |
84 of 155 |
Component |
% Completed |
Completed |
mytharchive |
98% |
384 of 390 |
mythbrowser |
100% |
98 of 98 |
mythfrontend |
99% |
6792 of 6830 |
mythgame |
100% |
171 of 171 |
mythmusic |
100% |
923 of 923 |
mythnetvision |
100% |
180 of 180 |
mythnews |
100% |
87 of 87 |
mythweather |
100% |
282 of 282 |
mythzoneminder |
100% |
155 of 155 |
Component |
% Completed |
Completed |
mytharchive |
68% |
267 of 390 |
mythbrowser |
74% |
73 of 98 |
mythfrontend |
78% |
5353 of 6830 |
mythgame |
67% |
115 of 171 |
mythmusic |
71% |
662 of 923 |
mythnetvision |
63% |
115 of 180 |
mythnews |
64% |
56 of 87 |
mythweather |
86% |
244 of 282 |
mythzoneminder |
73% |
114 of 155 |
Component |
% Completed |
Completed |
mytharchive |
68% |
267 of 390 |
mythbrowser |
74% |
73 of 98 |
mythfrontend |
75% |
5168 of 6830 |
mythgame |
64% |
110 of 171 |
mythmusic |
71% |
662 of 923 |
mythnetvision |
65% |
118 of 180 |
mythnews |
64% |
56 of 87 |
mythweather |
86% |
244 of 282 |
mythzoneminder |
67% |
105 of 155 |
Component |
% Completed |
Completed |
mytharchive |
98% |
384 of 390 |
mythbrowser |
100% |
98 of 98 |
mythfrontend |
99% |
6805 of 6830 |
mythgame |
100% |
171 of 171 |
mythmusic |
100% |
923 of 923 |
mythnetvision |
100% |
180 of 180 |
mythnews |
100% |
87 of 87 |
mythweather |
100% |
282 of 282 |
mythzoneminder |
100% |
155 of 155 |
Component |
% Completed |
Completed |
mytharchive |
68% |
267 of 390 |
mythbrowser |
74% |
73 of 98 |
mythfrontend |
98% |
6749 of 6830 |
mythgame |
64% |
110 of 171 |
mythmusic |
71% |
662 of 923 |
mythnetvision |
65% |
118 of 180 |
mythnews |
64% |
56 of 87 |
mythweather |
86% |
244 of 282 |
mythzoneminder |
67% |
105 of 155 |
Component |
% Completed |
Completed |
mytharchive |
28% |
111 of 390 |
mythbrowser |
53% |
52 of 98 |
mythfrontend |
21% |
1439 of 6830 |
mythgame |
39% |
68 of 171 |
mythmusic |
17% |
161 of 923 |
mythnetvision |
32% |
58 of 180 |
mythnews |
44% |
39 of 87 |
mythweather |
79% |
224 of 282 |
mythzoneminder |
34% |
54 of 155 |
Component |
% Completed |
Completed |
mytharchive |
68% |
267 of 390 |
mythbrowser |
74% |
73 of 98 |
mythfrontend |
72% |
4946 of 6830 |
mythgame |
64% |
110 of 171 |
mythmusic |
65% |
606 of 923 |
mythnetvision |
62% |
113 of 180 |
mythnews |
64% |
56 of 87 |
mythweather |
86% |
244 of 282 |
mythzoneminder |
57% |
89 of 155 |
Component |
% Completed |
Completed |
mytharchive |
68% |
268 of 390 |
mythbrowser |
74% |
73 of 98 |
mythfrontend |
78% |
5346 of 6830 |
mythgame |
64% |
110 of 171 |
mythmusic |
71% |
662 of 923 |
mythnetvision |
65% |
118 of 180 |
mythnews |
64% |
56 of 87 |
mythweather |
86% |
244 of 282 |
mythzoneminder |
67% |
105 of 155 |
Component |
% Completed |
Completed |
mytharchive |
46% |
181 of 390 |
mythbrowser |
62% |
61 of 98 |
mythfrontend |
55% |
3809 of 6830 |
mythgame |
60% |
104 of 171 |
mythmusic |
53% |
498 of 923 |
mythnetvision |
50% |
90 of 180 |
mythnews |
56% |
49 of 87 |
mythweather |
85% |
242 of 282 |
mythzoneminder |
44% |
69 of 155 |
Component |
% Completed |
Completed |
mytharchive |
68% |
267 of 390 |
mythbrowser |
74% |
73 of 98 |
mythfrontend |
75% |
5168 of 6830 |
mythgame |
64% |
110 of 171 |
mythmusic |
71% |
662 of 923 |
mythnetvision |
65% |
118 of 180 |
mythnews |
64% |
56 of 87 |
mythweather |
86% |
244 of 282 |
mythzoneminder |
67% |
105 of 155 |
Component |
% Completed |
Completed |
mytharchive |
0% |
0 of 390 |
mythbrowser |
0% |
0 of 98 |
mythfrontend |
15% |
1033 of 6830 |
mythgame |
0% |
0 of 171 |
mythmusic |
0% |
0 of 923 |
mythnetvision |
0% |
0 of 180 |
mythnews |
0% |
0 of 87 |
mythweather |
0% |
0 of 282 |
mythzoneminder |
0% |
0 of 155 |
Component |
% Completed |
Completed |
mytharchive |
0% |
0 of 390 |
mythbrowser |
0% |
0 of 98 |
mythfrontend |
29% |
2003 of 6830 |
mythgame |
0% |
0 of 171 |
mythmusic |
0% |
0 of 923 |
mythnetvision |
0% |
0 of 180 |
mythnews |
0% |
0 of 87 |
mythweather |
0% |
0 of 282 |
mythzoneminder |
0% |
0 of 155 |
Component |
% Completed |
Completed |
mytharchive |
0% |
0 of 390 |
mythbrowser |
0% |
0 of 98 |
mythfrontend |
24% |
1683 of 6830 |
mythgame |
0% |
0 of 171 |
mythmusic |
0% |
0 of 923 |
mythnetvision |
0% |
0 of 180 |
mythnews |
44% |
39 of 87 |
mythweather |
0% |
0 of 282 |
mythzoneminder |
0% |
0 of 155 |
Component |
% Completed |
Completed |
mytharchive |
0% |
0 of 390 |
mythbrowser |
0% |
0 of 98 |
mythfrontend |
6% |
413 of 6830 |
mythgame |
0% |
0 of 171 |
mythmusic |
0% |
0 of 923 |
mythnetvision |
0% |
0 of 180 |
mythnews |
0% |
0 of 87 |
mythweather |
0% |
0 of 282 |
mythzoneminder |
0% |
0 of 155 |
Component |
% Completed |
Completed |
mytharchive |
98% |
384 of 390 |
mythbrowser |
100% |
98 of 98 |
mythfrontend |
99% |
6802 of 6830 |
mythgame |
100% |
171 of 171 |
mythmusic |
100% |
923 of 923 |
mythnetvision |
100% |
180 of 180 |
mythnews |
100% |
87 of 87 |
mythweather |
100% |
282 of 282 |
mythzoneminder |
100% |
155 of 155 |
Component |
% Completed |
Completed |
mytharchive |
0% |
0 of 390 |
mythbrowser |
20% |
20 of 98 |
mythfrontend |
13% |
924 of 6830 |
mythgame |
0% |
0 of 171 |
mythmusic |
3% |
29 of 923 |
mythnetvision |
6% |
12 of 180 |
mythnews |
25% |
22 of 87 |
mythweather |
47% |
134 of 282 |
mythzoneminder |
0% |
0 of 155 |
Component |
% Completed |
Completed |
mytharchive |
68% |
268 of 390 |
mythbrowser |
74% |
73 of 98 |
mythfrontend |
75% |
5170 of 6830 |
mythgame |
64% |
110 of 171 |
mythmusic |
71% |
662 of 923 |
mythnetvision |
63% |
115 of 180 |
mythnews |
64% |
56 of 87 |
mythweather |
86% |
244 of 282 |
mythzoneminder |
67% |
105 of 155 |
Component |
% Completed |
Completed |
mytharchive |
17% |
69 of 390 |
mythbrowser |
48% |
48 of 98 |
mythfrontend |
76% |
5236 of 6830 |
mythgame |
21% |
36 of 171 |
mythmusic |
4% |
37 of 923 |
mythnetvision |
43% |
79 of 180 |
mythnews |
100% |
87 of 87 |
mythweather |
70% |
200 of 282 |
mythzoneminder |
36% |
57 of 155 |
Component |
% Completed |
Completed |
mytharchive |
68% |
268 of 390 |
mythbrowser |
74% |
73 of 98 |
mythfrontend |
71% |
4876 of 6830 |
mythgame |
64% |
110 of 171 |
mythmusic |
72% |
666 of 923 |
mythnetvision |
65% |
118 of 180 |
mythnews |
64% |
56 of 87 |
mythweather |
86% |
244 of 282 |
mythzoneminder |
67% |
105 of 155 |
Component |
% Completed |
Completed |
mytharchive |
36% |
144 of 390 |
mythbrowser |
53% |
52 of 98 |
mythfrontend |
34% |
2323 of 6830 |
mythgame |
39% |
68 of 171 |
mythmusic |
17% |
161 of 923 |
mythnetvision |
43% |
79 of 180 |
mythnews |
50% |
44 of 87 |
mythweather |
80% |
227 of 282 |
mythzoneminder |
36% |
57 of 155 |
Component |
% Completed |
Completed |
mytharchive |
0% |
0 of 390 |
mythbrowser |
0% |
0 of 98 |
mythfrontend |
38% |
2651 of 6830 |
mythgame |
43% |
75 of 171 |
mythmusic |
17% |
161 of 923 |
mythnetvision |
0% |
0 of 180 |
mythnews |
0% |
0 of 87 |
mythweather |
0% |
0 of 282 |
mythzoneminder |
0% |
0 of 155 |
Component |
% Completed |
Completed |
mytharchive |
42% |
166 of 390 |
mythbrowser |
62% |
61 of 98 |
mythfrontend |
48% |
3286 of 6830 |
mythgame |
60% |
103 of 171 |
mythmusic |
53% |
497 of 923 |
mythnetvision |
49% |
89 of 180 |
mythnews |
56% |
49 of 87 |
mythweather |
85% |
241 of 282 |
mythzoneminder |
43% |
67 of 155 |
Component |
% Completed |
Completed |
mytharchive |
1% |
7 of 390 |
mythbrowser |
0% |
0 of 98 |
mythfrontend |
33% |
2260 of 6830 |
mythgame |
2% |
4 of 171 |
mythmusic |
3% |
36 of 923 |
mythnetvision |
0% |
0 of 180 |
mythnews |
4% |
4 of 87 |
mythweather |
85% |
242 of 282 |
mythzoneminder |
0% |
0 of 155 |
Component |
% Completed |
Completed |
mytharchive |
68% |
268 of 390 |
mythbrowser |
70% |
69 of 98 |
mythfrontend |
72% |
4929 of 6830 |
mythgame |
64% |
110 of 171 |
mythmusic |
66% |
618 of 923 |
mythnetvision |
57% |
103 of 180 |
mythnews |
64% |
56 of 87 |
mythweather |
86% |
244 of 282 |
mythzoneminder |
54% |
84 of 155 |
Component |
% Completed |
Completed |
mytharchive |
0% |
0 of 390 |
mythbrowser |
0% |
0 of 98 |
mythfrontend |
5% |
385 of 6830 |
mythgame |
0% |
0 of 171 |
mythmusic |
0% |
0 of 923 |
mythnetvision |
0% |
0 of 180 |
mythnews |
0% |
0 of 87 |
mythweather |
0% |
0 of 282 |
mythzoneminder |
0% |
0 of 155 |
Component |
% Completed |
Completed |
mytharchive |
0% |
0 of 390 |
mythbrowser |
0% |
0 of 98 |
mythfrontend |
8% |
595 of 6830 |
mythgame |
0% |
0 of 171 |
mythmusic |
0% |
0 of 923 |
mythnetvision |
0% |
0 of 180 |
mythnews |
0% |
0 of 87 |
mythweather |
0% |
0 of 282 |
mythzoneminder |
0% |
0 of 155 |
Component |
% Completed |
Completed |
mytharchive |
68% |
267 of 390 |
mythbrowser |
70% |
69 of 98 |
mythfrontend |
71% |
4905 of 6830 |
mythgame |
0% |
0 of 171 |
mythmusic |
0% |
0 of 923 |
mythnetvision |
0% |
0 of 180 |
mythnews |
0% |
0 of 87 |
mythweather |
0% |
0 of 282 |
mythzoneminder |
0% |
0 of 155 |